Monday, January 2, 2012

Hip Surgery Countdown

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Indeed 2012 has arrived like it or not. I like the phrase "out with the old, in with the new", which is exactly what I will be doing tomorrow morning, Jan 3,2012. I will ditching my "old" hip and getting a "new" one. Whooooo hoooooo!!!

For those of you who are just learning of my surgery, here is the abbreviated scoop. The Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr Bruce Jones, said I have a choice. I can choose to have surgery now, or wait until I can't take the pain any longer. So, being the type "A" person that I am and the fact that the pain is worsening, I choose sooner rather than later. Scheduling it before or during the holidays would have been way to dramatic. So I've decided January is a pretty boring month (at least in the Midwest), so it's a perfect time for Drama! LOL

I'm looking forward to the day I am with little or no pain. As I write this update at 3:30am, I am also looking forward to being able to sleep through the night. My bones may be aging, but I do need my beauty sleep. :)

Stay tuned for a post-op update. I will make every effort to not go on and on and on in my postings. But remember that I will simply tell you later, "it was the pain meds that made me chatty". Because we all know I'm pretty quiet most of the time. Right?

I will have access to my email while in St Luke's, and of course will have it when I return home. So please feel free to write me. Or call or visit. :)


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